Pasimatymai, Romantic at heart. yr old guy, Kaunas

Aktyvumas: 4772       ID: 21693
I am a nice guy(smile) but mature enough to cause excitement. I am a romantic, believe in chivalry, and always put the toilet seat down. They say men do not change but I used to wonder why women cant remember to put the seat back up. I believe it is better to learn to dance in the rain than to always be waiting for sunshine. AND - just fill the darn glass! My sense of humor is a bit offbeat and I know the smarter you are, the funnier I am. If a man is all alone in the woods and no one is there to hear him, is he still wrong? I love short jokes - what do you call a boomerang that wont come back? My faith defines me and sharing the passion for God is the greatest launching platform for all other passions in life and I see a relationship centered on faith as always exciting - there is always something to talk about, always someplace to go, always someone to help, always something new to share and always a solution. I cannot imagine anything less. My favorite word is eleemosynary. I have a theory that if we started calling the homeless "eleemosynaries" they would have more dignity and be more empowered with pride. I also think the mind is the greatest sex organ and connecting on the spiritual level that feels the power of the mountains and the oceans and the warmth of the sun on your face is how God designed it to be. Treating sex as a "need" is perhaps the single biggest failing of men. I am not an adrenaline junky - just missing that brain circuit that says something may not be a good idea
Miestas: Kaunas

Domina: Pasimatymai

Vardas: Eric

Amžius: 30

Ūgis: 165 - 170 cm.

Kūno sudėjimas: Vidutinis

Akys: Rudos

Kuo užsiimate: Studijuoju

Laukiu tavo skambučio:+3706*94*02*
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